Eugen G. Leuze Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

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Contains the terms from the fields of electroplating, electrical and printed circuit board technology in the languages German, English and French. Scope of the online dictionary are currently over 46,000 words. Convenient online search.

prismatic guidePrismenführung, fguide prismatique, m
prism clampPrismenklemmung, fserrage prismatique, m
prism viewerPrismenlupe, fvisionneuese de prism, f
specimen, etchedProbe, abgeätzt, féchantillon décapé, m
sampleProbe, féchantillon, m
sample sheetProbebogen, mfeuille d’échantillon, f
test printProbedruck, messai d’impression, m
trial printProbedruck, messai d’impression, m
samplingProbeentnahme, fprélèvement des échantillons, m
sample holderProbegefäß, néprouvette, f
specimen holderProbekörperhalter, mporteur d’éprouvette, m
test loadProbelast, fcharge d’essai, f
samplingProbenahme, féchantillonage, m
sampling deviceProbenahmegerät, néchantilloneur, m
loading of the test specimenProbenbeanspruchung, fcharge d’échantillon, f
fracture of the test specimenProbenbruch, mfracture d’échantillon, f
shape of test specimenProbenform, fforme d’échantillon, f
stand for test specimensProbengestell, nbaie d’échantillon, f
position of specimenProbenlage, fpositionnement d’échantillon, m
specimen massProbenmasse, fmasse d’échantillon, f

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Written for experts by experts. Journals, Books and Textbooks about electroplating and surface engineering
as well as packaging of integrated circuits in the field of electronics - for more than 110 years
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