HIPIMS Conference and 40 years of Hauzer

HIPIMS Conference and 40 years of Hauzer

Experts on plasma coating, plasma surface treatment, non-plasma advanced surface engineering and vacuum coating met in the Dutch city of Venlo in July to attend the High Power Impulse Magnetron
Sputtering (HIPIMS) Conference and to celebrate a round anniversary.

Sheffield Hallam University and Fraunhofer IST HIPIMS Research Centre invited this year to the thirteenth international Conference on HIPIMS in Venlo, The Netherlands. At the same time IHI Hauzer, global player in the field of PVD equipment, celebrated its 40th anniversary. The traditional scope of HIPIMS-(High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering) plasma and coating technology was extended by including a broad range of technologies for plasma coating, plasma surface treatments and non-plasma advanced surface engineering. HIPIMS 2023 provided a forum for presenting the latest research of scientists and engineers from industry, engineering institutes and academia. Oral poster presentations and the industrial exhibition covered fundamental scientific aspects as well as application-oriented research and development. In addition, the successful introduction on the market of new products utilizing HIPIMS was addressed. The conference was preceded by short tutorial courses presented by the Society of Vacuum Coaters. Renowned instructors from Sheffield Hallam University, (Prof. Arutiun Ehiasarian) and Fraunhofer IST, (Dr. Ralf Bandorf) informed about the fundamentals and the applications of HIPIMS.

Forum for scientists, engineers and industry

The objectives of the conference were:

  • Promotion of High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HIPIMS) as a novel technology for surface modification and coating deposition
  • Provision of a scientific forum in order to discuss the fundamentals of plasma science and thin film growth and exchange ideas about new industrial applications of HIPIMS
  • To bring together the surface engineering communities for plasma coating, plasma surface treatments and non-plasma advanced surface engineering
  • Connecting the academic research community with the industrial world to foster progress of plasma-based technologies.

The following topics were addressed by oral presentations and posters:

  • Generation of HIPIMS plasmas
  • Coating growth and performance
  • Plasma diagnostics, discharge physics and modelling
  • Reactive and non-reactive HIPIMS processes
  • Industrial applications of HIPIMS processes
  • HIPIMS systems and hardware
  • Conventional plasma coating, plasma surface treatments and non-plasma advanced surface engineering.

The panel discussionThe panel discussion

The panel discussion “Quo Vadis Surface Engineering?” on the topic “Surface Engineering for Hydrogen Economy. Opportunities and challenges: the industry perspective” dealt with hydrogen as a sustainable substitution for oil and gas in the future. This could be a good solution, but enough „green“ hydrogen must be available which is produced by regenerative energy.

"Quo Vadis Surface Engineering?"

Celebrating 40th anniversary of Hauzer

Hauzer has been present for 40 years in the physical vapour deposition (PVD) field – a reason to celebrate. From the first PVD machine, engineered with all handmade parts, to high-quality modular machine platforms that withstand the test of time, Hauzer has established an outstanding reputation, excellent customer focus and great long-term partnerships. IHI Hauzer would not be where it is now without the relationships with its industry customers, scientific partners, suppliers and other long-term friends. The celebration took place after the HIPIMS Conference, starting with the celebration dinner and a VIP Conference with a speech by Dave Doerwald, CEO of Hauzer, and lectures about the carbon neutral society by Mr. Horishi Nakai, IHI Corporation, Industry 4.0 and the Smart Factory by Prof. Christoph Hermann, Director of IST, the energy transition in the automotive industry by Dr. Stéfane Cotte and Dutch hydrogen initiatives by Prof. Richard van de Sanden, Scientific Director of EIRES.

"40 years of discoveries, learning and success"

The VIP Conference ended with a tour to the IHI Hauzer facilities. The next HIPIMS Conference 2024 will take place from 17 to 21 June 2024 in Sheffield, UK.

Tour to Hauzer FacilitiesTour to Hauzer Facilities

Sheffield Hallam University is leading the way in scientific understanding and industrial implementation of HIPIMS for a range of applications and is said to be the most in-depth facility in the field. The University is strengthened by the collaboration in the Joint Sheffield Hallam University – Fraunhofer IST HIPIMS Research Centre – the first of its kind in the UK.

Hauzer Techno Coating was founded in 1983 and can look back on 40 years of discoveries, learning, and success. From the start Hauzer has been characterized by a pioneering spirit. The company kept that spirit alive throughout the years. Today’s challenges are the energy transition, the digital transformation, and the rise of e-mobility. All industries are shifting to more energy-efficient modes and aiming to reduce CO2 emissions. It is clear that PVD technology and coatings will make a powerful contribution to these transitions, and Hauzer is looking forward to playing its part. The recent years have not been easy in particular with the Covid-19 pandemic. The problems with the global economy and supply chains also affected Hauzer, however, the regional divisions became a lot stronger and more independent in these years.

Photos: Hauzer


  • Ausgabe: Oktober
  • Jahr: 2023
  • Autoren: Richard Suchentrunk

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